Tuesday, June 26, 2012

the story goes on

assalamualaikum smua :) its been a long time sa tidak update sini kan! rindu sama c bloggie ni tauu . yeah, feeling2 mau update tu mmg ada cuma xda idea nak tulis apa walaupun sebenarnya banyak cer maw cer :D hari ni 26 june adalah genap dua bulan selepas last paper time final exam kat matriculation dulu. seriesly rindu plak kat matrik tetiba2 .. huuu~ rindu kawan2. benci senarnya mau cer sal rindu tp siyes rindu smua orang . aishh, but the story of my life still go on kan? so, lalui jak la ! :D

but for your information guys , saya dah dpt kerja :D jadi secretary pacik saya for his bussiness. yeah. most of the time saya byk menaip. it shud called as clerk la kan? so wateva la yg pntg kerja. HAHA. stakat ni alhamdulillah dapat juga buat smua kerja yang di bagi but seriously can't wait for the gaji. HAHA. T.T apalah sa ni :")

actually tak tau mau update apa. i just want to write something, arghhhh . i can't even express my feelings now . actually, i feel wanna cry and I miss all my memories at matriculation. damn hell lagi bila dgr lagu yg bley make me remember to the memories . dulu rasa xbley lalui hidup tanpa mereka lagi but after 1month lebih, saya dah bley hidup macam biasa :) and than bila dah happy balik hidup dgn family dan cuzzy2 sa , dorang pulak dah habis cuti and continue study gik ==' aww, soo sad you know. letting them go and you gonna be alone again. my brother will back to KL lusa ok. so again FOREVER ALONE . wuuwuu ;"C

so, its a lesson for me. not everythings that you want that you love you will get it. sbgi manusia kena bljr melepaskan. yeah. byk benda dalam dunia ni kita kena lepaskan walaupun kadang2 it hurt ourownself. cakap pasal melepaskana i love to share this quote
Sometimes you just have to give up on people. Chasing after them is heartache, especially when they don’t try to meet you halfway
:'( memory will never fade even you keep trying to fade it. that's the fact . life must go on so that the story also goes on.


  1. bestlah, mcm kawan aku dekat sandakan juga, dia dapat kerja jadi clerk tapi mcm abang dia. but nvmd yg penting duit masyukkkk ;D

    suka quote tuh. m'ingtkan aku kepada sesorang pulak. kawan yg tinggalkan aku. mungkin salah aku maybe? humm *trus mood sedih* :(

    salam perkenalan! :D

  2. hye kira :) salam perkenalan jg :) hee. jgnla sedih. adui. sbnrnya ak pun sedih. muhahahah :DD
